Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Designer Jeans - Three of the Best

There are many designer jeans on the market at present, and it can be difficult to distinguish between the wheat and the chaff – by way of quality of design, cut, material, and style. Here, we discuss three of the better manufacturers of designer jeans.

Humor Jeans

Humor jeans originate from Denmark, although in recent years their popularity has spread throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Most closely associated with the underground music scene, these jeans are better suited to a younger generation.

These styles of jeans are easy to spot amongst the many other designers on the market, as they have a very particular style and design. These jeans have a contemporary feel, and they are definitely seen as leaders inside the world of fashion. For example, they cottoned on to the carrot jean fashion very early on, and consequently, are one of the world's leading sellers of this particular style of jeans.

Aside from jeans, the Humor label makes a wide range of designer apparel, including t-shirts, shirts, and jumpers.

Nudie Jeans

Nudie jeans are an up and coming designer with an original take on fashion. Their jeans are trendy, funky, fresh, and best of all, eco-friendly. They have a wide range of jeans, but one in particular stands out as highly unusual. With one of their ranges of jeans, they recommend no washing until the jeans are at least six months old! That may sound a little smelly, and we are unsure of how many people actually follow these instructions, but by doing so, the denim wears in a unique and individual way, making every single pair of jeans in this range unique to the wearer (and also provides a great excuse for not lending clothes to your friends/girlfriends).

G Star Jeans

G star jeans adopt the southern attitude from the United States, i.e. a cowboy look. No wardrobe is complete without at least one pair of G Star jeans, and we have to say that they are a fantastic addition.

G star are unique within the designer jeans industry, because they release new ranges for each season. Each range is a total reinvention of the past, making G star one of the most avant-garde designers around today. Innovation is the spirit that underpins this brand of clothing, making them the perfect choice for people who love to stand out from the crowd.

G star draw their inspiration from the catwalk and other fashion circles to ensure that they create designs that are popular, contemporary, and highly trendy. They are better suited to the 20-35 age groups as they have that laid-back, sophisticated quality that does not quite fit the playfulness of the very young.

The G star brand is popular amongst celebrities and footballers, and so, for those of us who aspire to the heady heights of fame, G star jeans are the ideal brand.

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